
Junior Race Chix Community

We receive a lot of requests from Dad’s and Uncles asking for assistance in getting their little Race Chic started in motorsport. Whilst our Race Chix Networking Community Facebook group is just for the Chix so they have a safe space to ask whatever motorsport related questions they like and not feel judged, our new Junior Race Chix Facebook group is open to anyone and everyone (yes that includes the fellas) who would like help and support for their junior Race Chic.

Our Junior Race Chix Facebook group is an initiative designed as a national platform for parents, family members etc who are keen to help their little Race Chic get started on their motorsport journey.

We encourage anyone who is part of a club that caters for juniors, be it cars, karts, bikes or boats, that is able to offer assistance to join the group.

Junior Race Chix
// Add a custom "from" name and email to the rsvps add_filter( 'tribe_rsvp_email_headers', function() { // Set the from name $name = 'Race Chix Events'; // Set the from email address $email = 'rachelle@racechixmotorsport.com.au'; return 'Content-type: text/html' . "\r\n" . "From: $name " . "\r\n"; } );